Four Rivers Winter Edition 2021

Synod begins a new Term From lunchtime on Thursday 17th to lunchtime Friday 18th June Synod met in the Hall at St Alban’s Cathedral Griffith. This was the First Session of the SixtyFourth Synod of the Diocese of Riverina. As such the newly elected Synod Representatives of each Parish in the Diocese met for the […]

Four Rivers Summer Edition 2021

Ordination as Priest Nearly a year after their Ordination as Deacons, and with all the experience that year has brought, Frederik and Gemma were Ordained as Priests by the Bishop on the Feast of St Clement of Rome, 23rd November 2021. These two newly Ordained priests will continue to minister in the Cathedral Parish of […]

Four Rivers Easter Edition 2021

A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden and there it divided and became four rivers. [Genesis 2.10] New Dean Installed New Dean hopes to bring Cathedral closer to life of the Griffith community. The Very Reverend Canon Thomas Leslie was installed as the fifth Dean of St Alban’s Cathedral in Griffith on […]