Bishop Rob Gillion announces his decision to retirev

I have decided to retire as Bishop of Riverina when my present visa expires on 3rd August 2018.

I have reached the retirement age set in most other dioceses so I believe that the time is right for me to retire.

Serving as your bishop has been a most fulfilling ministry. I have no regrets about accepting the call to serve as your Bishop. It has been challenging and I believe we have achieved much together. I have been well

supported by Bishop in Council, the Trustees, my Vicar General and Dean, the Registrar, the Registry team, the Chancellor and our great team of clergy and lay leaders. Together we have clarified the financial situation and improved the structures of the Diocese. The parishes have been warm and welcoming.

Over the next six months I look forward to visiting many of you to continue our work together, express my thanks and say farewell. I believe the Diocese is in good heart and ready for a new chapter under the oversight of the next Bishop.

In these last four years I have encouraged the parishes to focus on prayer, evangelism and stewardship, to be Confident in Christ, Compassionate in Community and Creative in Ministry and Mission. It has been a challenge and at times a struggle but I have seen exciting evidence of growth in many areas, especially in the training and ordaining of local deacons and priests.

The Royal Commission has focused on child abusein Institutions including the Australian Anglican Church,and we have worked extremely hard to implement theirrecommendations. The rolling out of the safe ministryforms has not been easy. I hope it will not be long beforeit is simply seen as good andcommon practice to protectthe vulnerable in our midst.It is an ongoing process andcommitment.

I have been delightedto have implemented ourTheological Study Centre atthe Cathedral, to haveordained both priests anddeacons with the supportand expertise of our Deanand the encouragement andsupport of Ridley College inMelbourne.

I have experienced andbeen blessed by the supportof the parishes who havewarmly welcomed me. I willalways treasure theopportunity to show thevitality of the Diocesethrough the ABC ‘Landline’programme entitled ‘OutbackBishop, Divine Stage’.

I do not have any plansat present but will return tolive in the United Kingdomand will then take some timeto consider our future.

As I make this announcement I acknowledge theenormous contribution that my wife Janine has made toministry here in Riverina. I acknowledge her willingness,which was costly, to leave her full time ministry in the UKand take up the ministry here as your Bishop’s wife. Shehas embraced the challenge with charm and cheerfulness.

I want to emphasise that it has been a blessingworking with you and Janine and I leave with greatadmiration for your life, your work and your commitmentto Christ. We both feel that my retirement at this time isthe right decision. I wish every blessing for the Dioceseinto the future. Both Janine and I would value yourprayers for the next stage in our lives.

+Rob Riverina
Bishop Rob is laying up his staff at a Service in St Albans
Cathedral Griffith on Saturday 21st July at 10.00am

Bishop Rob's Easter Message

This is the shout or acclamation to welcome the joy of Easter! The Lord is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!!

The resurrection joy is God’s reassurance tothe world of new life in Jesus.

The humble Easter egg is awonderful symbol of this reality.

The often hard shell of life isbroken open to reveal new life,even though it may be a struggle!It also represents the stonerolled away to show the emptytomb. Jesus to be found amongstthe living.

This new birth in Christconquers death, transforming darkness into light,today’s fear into tomorrow’s joy, and hopelessnessinto hopefulness. The wonder, love and praise we feelwhen we experience the love of God freely gifted in aspirit of renewed hope and optimism is trulyindescribable. Easter comes after the forty day Lentenobservance which includes Holy Week, characterisedby a period of fasting, prayer, bible study andpenance.

We are given the opportunity to journey withJesus in his experience of the loneliness that so oftenaccompanies human despair. We see him as a victimof the abuse of religious and political power in aclassic demonstration of the travesty of justice.Although, his experience was a result of the forces ofdarkness, the profound message of Easter to thepeople of the world is that out of darkness comeslight, and out of death emerges life abundant.

However, Easter demands something of us, acall for a change of heart, a reminder to turn to God, ashift in ways of thinking and behaviour toward eachother.

Easter is also a visible reminder that when weallow the Spirit the opportunity to breathe through thecracks of our broken lives how much more we areable to enjoy healing, restoration, reconciliation andnew reasons to live again, and prosper as individualsand community of faith. I encourage the light ofEaster be felt in every corner where any semblance ofdarkness is found.

I invite each of us to rise with Christ this Easter,and as we do, pray the Spirit to release any stone thatmay be rolled in front the tomb of our heart in order tocreate space for Christ to occupy our lives to the full.Jesus’ resurrection is true, so we rejoice in faith,knowing that he is alive, and we are alive with him,and that’s what makes the difference. WE ARE THEEASTER PEOPLE!!

This is the acclamation to worship.

The Lord is here!
His Spirit is with us! Alleluia!!

The Right Reverend Rob Gillion


Good Friday 30th March
11:00am Gospel Walk in Coolamon
Street, Ariah Park Lay Ministry

Easter Sunday 1st April
8:00am MP St. John’s, Barmedman.
9:00am HC St. Augustine’s, Ariah Park.
11:00am HC St. Mark’s, Ardlethan

BARELLAN—St Clements

Good Friday 30th March
11:30 am Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
Holy Saturday 31st March
7:30 pm Easter Vigil ceremonies & Mass

BARHAM—St John’s

Maundy Thursday 29th March
5:00pm St Johns
Good Friday 30th March
6:00pm St Johns
Easter Sunday 1st April
9:00am St Johns


Palm Sunday 25th March.
8:30am St Peters, Lane Street.
10:15am St James, Wilson Street.
Maundy Thursday 29th March.
5:30pm St James, Wilson Street.
Good Friday 30th March.
8:30am St Peters Lane Street
10:15am St James Wilson Street.
5:00pm Combined churches Stations of
the Cross service in Sturt Park.
Easter Sunday 1st April.
8:30am St Peters, Lane Street.
10:15am St James, Wilson Street


Palm Sunday 25th March
9:00am HC St Mark the Evangelist,
Good Friday 30th March
9:00am MP St Paul’s Darlington Point
3:00pm Stations of the Cross St Mark the
Evangelist, Coleambally
Easter Day 1st April
9:00am HC St Mark the Evangelist,
11:00am HC St Paul’s Darlington Point


Maundy Thursday 29th March
5:00pm St Peter’s Ganmain
Good Friday 30th March
10:00am St Andrew’s Coolamon Service
of reflection
Easter Sunday 1st April
10:00 am HC St Peter’s Ganmain


Maundy Thursday 29th March
7:30pm St Thomas’ Howlong;
Good Friday 30th March
10:00 am St John’s Corowa
Saturday 31st March Easter Vigil
7:30pm St Mark’s Bungowannah
Easter Sunday 1st April
8:00am at St Thomas’ Howlong
9:30am at St John’s Corowa.


Maundy Thursday 29th March
6:30pm Seder Meal, Culcairn Church Hall
Good Friday 30th March
9:30 am St Paul’s Culcairn
9:30am St Barnabas’ Henty
Easter Day 1st April
9:30 am St Matthew’s Rand
9:30 am St Paul’s Culcairn
11:00am St Barnabas’ Henty


Good Friday, 30th March
8:00am Liturgy at The Cross.
10:30am Ecumenical Waring Park.
Easter Eve Saturday 31st March
7:00pm Lighting of New Fire and Easter
Candle, Readings and Mass.
Easter Sunday 1st April
6:00am New Light at Ute Muster Gates
8:00am Renewal of Baptismal Vows and

GRIFFITH—St Albans Cathedral

Holy Tuesday 27th March.
11:00am Service of the Oils at St Alban’s
Maundy Thursday 29th March
7:00pm HC (Foot washing and Vigil)
Good Friday 30th March
9:30am Solemn Liturgy of the day.
11:00am Combined Churches Pilgrimage
3:00pm Stations of the Cross
Easter Day 1st April
6:30am Service of the First Light and HC
9:30am Sung Eucharist
9:30am MP at St George’s, Yenda
5:00pm HC at St Luke’s, Rankins Springs

HAY—St Paul’s

Maundy Thursday 29th March
6:30pm Holy Communion
Easter Sunday 1st April
9:00am Holy Communion

HILLSTON—Christ the King

Palm Sunday 25th March 10:30am
Easter Sunday 1st April 10:30am
Combined Churches Service followed by a
BBQ lunch.

LEETON—St Peters

Palm Sunday 25th March
6:00pm (Saturday 24th) Blessing of palms
& Vigil Mass
9:30am Blessing of Palms, procession
(Mountford park) and Solemn Sung Mass
Maundy Thursday 29th March
8:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Watch
Good Friday 30th March
8:00am Mattins & Litany
9:30am Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
11:00am Ecumenical Stations of the Cross
at Mountford park
5:30pm Evensong
Holy Saturday 31st March
8:00am Mattins
6:00pm Evensong (Not an Easter Liturgy)
Easter Sunday 1st April
6:00am Easter Vigil & Solemn Sung Mass
9:30am Procession & Solemn Sung Mass


Palm Sunday 25th March
9:00am St Aidan Lockhart
10:00am St Philip Urana
Wednesday 28th March
3:15—5pm St Aidan’s Hall—Kid’s Club
Maundy Thursday 29th March
10:00am St Aidan Lockhart
Good Friday 30th March
9:00am St Aidan Lockhart
Easter Sunday 1st April
9:00am St Aidan Lockhart

MOAMA–St James’

Holy Thursday 29th March
6:00pm Washing of Hands & Feet, Mass
and Vigil.
Good Friday 30th March
10:30am Liturgy at The Cross.
Easter Sunday 1st April
9:00am Lighting of Easter Candle and
Holy Cross Mathoura.
Good Friday 30th March
9:00am Liturgy at The Cross at Uniting
Easter Sunday 1st April
10:00am Lighting of Easter Candle and Mass


Maundy Thursday 29th March
7:00pm followed by the last supper
Good Friday 30th March
8:00 am Service of reflection
Easter Saturday 31st March
5:00pm Holy Communion
Easter Sunday 1st April
8:00 am Holy Communion

THE ROCK—St Peters

Easter Day 1st April
9:30am Holy Communion


Good Friday 30th March
8:30am St Albans Tocumwal
10:00am Holy Trinity Finley
Easter Sunday 1st April
8:30am St Albans Tocumwal
10:00am Holy Trinity Finley
5:00pm St Stephens Jerilderie


Good Friday 30th March
9:30am Good Friday Liturgy
Easter Day 1st April
9:30am Eucharist of the Resurrection


Maundy Thursday 29 March
7:00 pm The Epiphany Lake Cargelligo
Good Friday 30 March
8:00am & 3:00pm Lake Cargelligo
9:30am St George’s Tullibigeal
12:00noon St Christopher’s Weethalle
Holy Saturday 31 March
7:00pm The Epiphany Lake Cargelligo
Easter Sunday 1 April
9:00am St George’s Tullibigeal
10:30am The Epiphany Lake Cargelligo
2:30pm St Christopher’s Weethalle


Led by The Right Reverend Rob Gillion

Photo: The Most Reverend Philip Freier, Bishop Rob & Deacons at their Ordination at St Paul’s Cathedral Melbourne

Photo: Bishop Rob Gillion & Deacon Ken Dale


Local business-man Ken Dale was ordained Deacon in StBarnabas’ Church Henty on Thursday 25th January on the feastof the Conversion of St Paul the Apostle, the Service wasconducted by the Bishop The Rt Rev’d Rob Gillion.

Ken’s ordination was supported by the attendance ofmany people from Henty and beyond, his fellow congregationmembers also helped pack the church to overflowing. Pastresidents of Henty made the journey to attend as did ten RiverinaClergy and local clergy from other denominations. Ken’s proudparents, Les and Mary Dale sat in the front row surrounded bytheir extended family.

Ordination was not something Ken sought for himself.Ken has been a faithful Anglican Christian and member of StBarnabas’ congregation all his life. During his teenage andsubsequent adult years Ken dedicated much of his time andenergy to help maintain worship at St Barnabas’ Church. Whenthe late Fr Colin Wellard was Rector of the Parish of CulcairnHenty from 1984 to 1993 Ken was given much encouragementin his ministry as a lay person. Over the past 20 years, duringwhich there has been no resident Priest in the Parish Ken hasbeen recognised as a leader in the parish. Fr Bob Done, in hispresent responsibility for part-time oversight of the Parish hascontinued to encourage Ken.

But it has only been during the past 10 years that Kenbegan to wonder whether God was calling him to the ordainedministry. To test this call he submitted his name to Bishop Robwho referred him to a ‘discernment committee’. So it was, thatafter many years of lay ministry, and much prayer by his familyand friends Ken was led to accept God was calling him to beordained a Deacon. Will the Rev Ken Dale eventually beordained Priest? Again, for Ken, his fellow congregationmembers and others prayers will again lead to discernment ofGod’s will. In the mean-time Rev Ken has been licensed by theBishop to be a non-stipendiary Deacon in the Parish.

Of course Ken has the encouragement of his parents inhis lay, and now his Diaconal ministry. However both Les andMary, themselves faithful members of St Barnabas’congregation have not experienced good health for the past twoyears. Sadly, Mary Dale died in February after her son’sordination. At her request before she died however Ken agreedto conduct her funeral. This he did competently.


Photo courtesy Emily Roberts of the Broken Hill Border Mail


St James Mart Op Shop has made a big move into alarger and more open building. The Mart recently made themove to the old South Pharmacy building, after beinglocated at the old Alma Institute for over a decade.

Shirley Sanderson said the idea for the St James MartOp Shop (Anglicare) came from the ladies of the church whowanted to help the church out with fundraising and theydecided that an op shop would be a great way to help.The op shop opened in 1984 and has been running for34 years. The Mart is run solely by volunteers and anymoney raised goes back to the church.

They had help from the congregation and they spentsome very hot days moving everything in. They areenjoying the new shop which is very bright and has a lotmore space.

St James Mart Op Shop is open from 10am—4pm,Monday to Friday.

Edited Story courtesy Emily Roberts of the Broken Hill Border Mail


‘Who Is My Neighbour’

Over 12 months ago, a small group of parishioners atSt John’s Corowa were challenged by Australia’s treatmentof refugees on Manus Island and Nauru, but didn’t knowwhat to do. Their concern resonated with others across thechurches and community of Corowa and a larger group cametogether, found a valuable link with a Melbourne missionaryorganisation that was working with refugees, and afterdiscussions and decisions, a group of 50 refugees and teammembers will visit Corowa for the weekend of 24th & 25thMarch.

Corowa is a community without a wide range ofdifferent cultures, and the visit will allow for locals andvisitors to build bonds and grow in love and understandingof one another. Activities have been arranged to givemaximum sharing of time together, including overnightbilleting. An ecumenical church service is on the programmeduring which some of the refugees will share their stories.

The Corowa group has kept its original name –‘WhoIs My Neighbour’ – in recognition that we all are neighbourswho need one another and who can give to one another. Thevision is for this contact with refugees to grow and expand.

The Bishop, Registrar & Registry Staff wishyou a Holy and Happy Easter Time


The St John’s Church Choir is once again preparing toraise the roof in song on Easter Sunday. The choir, conductedby Tracey Timms together with Fr. Neale at the piano, is nowin its third year and is regularly called upon to participate atmajor events on the church calendar. The choir, which is madeup of members from a variety of community and churchbackgrounds, rehearses each Wednesday afternoon. Sharing inthe joys and lows of each others life, one member commented“it’s the highlight of my week!” Each member brings theirown unique voice which when combined, blend beautifullytogether in songs of Praise. We look forward to hearing themagain this Easter.

Last Sunday was the third Sunday in Lent and we wereprivileged to have the Bishop and his fabulous wife Janine withus to celebrate “Family Church’.

“Family Church” is a new thing for St John’s and I waspleased to see a large crowd attend we even had some littlepeople. We were entertained with a short play performed bysome talented actors and actresses. Some involvement wasvoluntary but most was conscription. Thanks to Golden RiversTheatre Group for the loan of the costumes. Alice with abutcher’s apron, meat clever and a leg of lamb under her armlooked hilarious. Sorry Alice. The bishop standing in the aislewas cracking a whip chasing the money changers from thetemple and yes, it did crack. Lots of singing with many childrenplaying percussion instruments and heaps of laughter.

While Rev. Neale read the Sermon the older childrenwere entertained by Jo, they received a gift pack with colouringin items, coloured pens even I noticed a few lollies. Obviouslyno dentists attend St John’s. Thanks for your efforts Jo thechildren looked like they were having a fun time. Followingservice we adjourned to the hall and were met with a feast ofdelicious sandwiches and cakes for morning tea. The idea of“Family Church” was in my opinion a huge success.

Photo: Cooks at work, Ferg, Josh, and Graham


Shrove Tuesday was celebrated by Broken Hill and the FarWest with traditional pancakes with tasty fillings, along with acouple of games that had the group in stitches of laughter.

Some light fun before the penitential season of Lent.

One Sunday afternoon after our church service at St James,Wilcannia, four of our faithful workers set about cleaning thebeautiful old church. There is so much to be done and with hardwork, consultation and lots of prayer, we will make headway.


Christmas With Variety From Corowa Parish Pew Sheet 24th December 2017 At the Bungowannah Children’s Service last Sunday therewere 14 children and 20 adults: Mary had 2 babies; a mid-wifekept taking the babies out of the manger and wandering off withthem; a wise man arrived before the shepherds; an angel cried asan important message was about to be given; the donkeywouldn’t sit still in the stable – but somehow it was a fabulouscelebration of the birth of Jesus followed by a typical Bungofeast. Published data on indicates that withdrawal from sedatives/hypnotics may induce transient insomnia and other reactions, including mood fluctuations and anxiety. It is crucial to inform patients about the possibility of relapse during drug withdrawal to alleviate anxiety about these symptoms. At the Aged Care Christmas Service on Wednesday: therector sang most of the carols solo; a resident arrived late on alifting machine and blocked the screen; medications were passedout during the story of the birth; mail was delivered during thesinging of a carol; an announcement was made over the hospitalintercom about buying chocolate in the dining room; and the catwandered through the group as if she owned the place – butsomehow it was a fabulous celebration of the birth of Jesus.


Preparation for Ask Wednesday began at St Peter’s Leeton with the burning of palm crosses, the St Peter’s pan relay and a pancake supper hosted by the Anglican women’s fellowship, Mother’s Union and The Evening Mother’s Union. The Pan relay has been held for 31 years. This year’s winning team were: Jakeb and Blake Steele, Marie Jacobsen and Gus Kearl. Shrove Tuesday celebrations were followed by three well attended Mass and the imposition of ashes and “Ashes to go” in Leeton’s main street on Ash Wednesday.

Photo: Courtesy Emily Roberts of the Broken Hill Border Mail


Robynne Sandersonn was recognised as Broken Hill’s Citizen of the Year at a ceremony on Australia Day.

There isn’t much that Robynne doesn’t do, Robynne is proficient with instruments ranging from the piano to MiddleEastern drums and among other things Robynne has been an organist and guitarist at St James Church for over 35 years, prepares liturgy sheets and the weekly newsletter, and assists with services in White Cliffs.

Robynne said music has been a big influence on her and for her involvement in the community.

Edited story courtesy Emily Roberts of the Broken Hill Border Mail